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You Deserve...

I am my harshest critic, no one is as mean as I am to myself. I am ruthless, unforgiving and critical. Over the years I have developed tactics to help me shut down the evil demons in my mind. Step 1. Learning to appreciate my imperfections and flaws as gifts, these are the traits that make me, ME.
Step 2. A daily routine to make sure that I don't slip back into old bad habits. I say the words below every morning (and sometimes during the day depending on the day).
Step 3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 as needed
These days are especially challenging, my life is hectic, Mom is on the mend, the day job is going through some changes and Iva Jewell is planning the next collection, I have no idea how I will finance the next collection I do know that I will. There are a few garage sales and poshmark posts in my future, so stay tuned.
It's not easy there are days when the evil voices win, that's just one day. There are many more days for me (and you) to be fabulous.